Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Well I suppose Day 1 was a success.

If by success it is taken to mean that I didn't buy anything.

However, at one point I did think I was going to suffer a mild nervous break-down. It was about the time I went on lunch at work and realized I was down to only 2 options:

1. Hit up the shops but touch nothing; or
2. Stay at work where I really couldn't be tempted by much more than a vending machine.

It was a tough call, but the sub zero office air con forced me out of the office on a defrost recon mission, before I made a speedy return to avoid the chances of 'accidents' happening.

All in all, I actually think for the first time that I can do this.
One down, 27 to go!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, I'm here trying to post a comment again. You did brilliantly my dear! Absolutely brilliantly! I have news for you too :-) when you have time xoxo
