Monday, January 31, 2011

Obviously I can never get married...

If this is how I react to the idea of committing, then I'm going to need a lot of therapy before I can tie the knot.

Not that I was exactly planning on it, but it's good to know that I've got issues before they become a problem. Currently the only knot being tied is the one in my stomach when I think about what's in store for me over the coming 4 weeks. NOTHING.

There is absolutely nothing in store for me, because for the next 4 weeks I can't shop. I can't eat out. I can't do anything that costs money to do.

The no shopping thing is breaking my heart. Literally, I even have chest pains. (Although that could be due to the ridiculous amount I ate for my last supper at Nandos). The best thing about February for a shopper like me is that this is when all the new lines come out and there is a whole new plethora of clothing, shoes and accessories for me to sample. Given that my dress size and shoe size tends to sell out first, I know that all the beautiful things I've noticed surfacing in the past week will never be mine. It's a bitter pill to swallow.

Since tonight was the last night I could do most of the things I enjoy doing, I've gone and gorged myself on Nandos. Although I'm pretty sure that eating a months worth of food in one night is not going to mean I don't need to eat again for a month. So there will come a time in the next week or so when my excessive gluttony tonight wears off and I want to go back to Nandos, but can't.

I'm tempted to throw myself a small bon-voyage party while I still have one last chance. I'm sitting here using the internet right now, so I'm only a hop, skip and a click away from a number of my favorite online stores. I am tempted, but I know I'm not going to. I think binge shopping either now, or on March 1 will only ruin the moral of the story I'm trying to tell.

I suppose this is bon-voyage from me for tonight. I have to go pack my bags since tomorrow I check into rehab.
Rehab for a serial spender.

1 comment:

  1. I feel sick. Did I really say I would join you for a spend free February? What if there is a really really good bargin? A once in a lifetime purchase? Where is that paper bag? I think I am hyperventilating!!!! Well, I am off to work. Best leave the credit cards at home. Am so happy that you are taking this step. You will do well.
